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FIPS 201 PIV – now supported by BALTECH readers

FIPS 201 PIV – now supported by BALTECH readers

Good news for organizations requiring FIPS 201 PIV compliance: BALTECH readers now support this important security standard. If you're working with U.S. government agencies or their contractors, this update is particularly relevant for your projects. What is FIPS 201...

BALTECH SDK: Now with Python support

BALTECH SDK: Now with Python support

As of version 3.19, the BALTECH SDK includes Python support. As a developer, you can now use it to write your entire application in Pyhton – as we at BALTECH do it as well. But even if you write your application in C or C++, you can benefit from Python support: With...

Kofax ID card readers for print management now in direct sales

Kofax is stepping out of the card reader business. As the developers and producers of these readers, we at BALTECH now offer them in direct sales. With many advantages and suitable for use with various print management applications

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